    Duo 5014
    Melodie 5009
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Four-valve TRF AC receiver
Light brown wooden console with a red and purple "Arbolite" front, sides and top, brown Bakelite knobs and brass trimmings around the illuminated tuning scales. The loudspeaker is a 24 cm electromagnetic Grawor speaker with "Goliath Kraft Magnet System". The hexagonal speaker vent has seven black decorative bars.
The knobs from left to right: primary tuning, push-pull wavelength switch with reaction control above it, secondary tuning. Connections at the rear: speaker, ground bus and a pick-up connection. Three antenna connections and an on/off switch are located in the left side. In the right side is a volume control knob. The chassis of the radio is a Weco Three Block System with Philips valves.
The receiver was made for the Belgian market. The coil block bears the name of the technician who has tested the radio (Huybrechs) and the test date, November 12, 1931. The name "Huybrechs" exists only in Belgium, especially in the cities of Antwerp and Brussels. Amsterdam based Weco settled in Brussels in the beginning of 1930, but the first radios built there were made in late 1931/early 1932.
In Belgian catalogues the radio was called Weco Duo as well as Super Weco Duo.
The radio was released in four versions: the AC versions 5014 (electromagnetic speaker) and 5015 (with electrodynamic loudspeaker) and DC versions 5024 and 5025, with the same speakers as the two AC versions. In Belgium the price of model 5014 was 3600 Frank, model 5015 ranged in price from 4000 to 4400 Fr and DC versions 5024 and 5025 cost 3600 to 3700, respectively 3800 to 4150 Fr.
In the Netherlands, in March 1931 a table model that also bore the name Duo was introduced. The only picture of that radio appeared in an advertisement in Radio Expres of December 18, 1931.
Data Valves  
Serial number: 640, chassis: 934
Dimensions (h×w×d): 86 x 44 x 29 cm
Made in: 1931
Purchased in: 2014
Sold in: 2024
Voltages: 110, 130, 220V~

Click on a valve for more information
Replacement Circuit

What was broadcasrt in 1931?


Listen to "When I Take My Sugar To Tea", by the orchestra of Harry Reser, recorded in 1931

Handwritten text on the coil block:
a signature and the text "OK tested by Huybrechs", followed by a date, 12/1/31 (or 12/11 31) II.
Under-chassis view
Back, with and without back panels
Picture from a Weco catalogue (year unknown) Picture from a Weco catalogue, October 1931
(with many thanks to Gidi Verheijen for some of the illustrations)

This page was last edited on 15.06.2019