Shallow, veneered
cabinet with lighter coloured stripes. The station scale
is made of glass, illuminated from both sides by two
scale lamps. The station indicator is made of
transparent plastic. Bands: short wave (16-50 meters),
medium wave
(200-550 meters) and long wave (800-2000 meters).
The knobs from
left to right: tone control for radio and gramophone in
steps, on/off-volume, tuning. On the right hand side a
wave-range selector.
On the back connections for gramophone, an extra
loudspeaker, antenna and earth.
Listen to "I'll
dance at your wedding" by the AVRO Dance Orchestra "The Skymasters",
leader Pi Scheffer,
recorded in 1949.
chassis was made by Philips (almost the same as the
Swedish BS491A) and used only 4 tubes, the "four-tube"
system, first made in 1941. The output transformer was
replaced by the wrong Philips service transformer 918/06.
This service transformer was replaced by an almost
original one.