Inpost-war Germany,manyradio
tubes wereno longeravailable.
Booksappeared withschedules
based onthestill available
RV12P2000Wehrmacht tubes.Thesetubes
werealso usedas substitutes for theVCL1 tubeused
figures right),
as replacements for steel tubes andfor
making "Notradios", but also
for the construction of
such asthis one.
Thisvery compact
probably madein Germanyaround1946.
Itis equippedwithtwoRV12P2000
tubes and a selenium rectifier.
design andworkmanshipsuggest that
little devicewasmadeentirely
by hand.
All around afairly heavy
speaker, the edge of whichhad tobe cutto sizein
order toletitfitinthe small
cabinet, achassisplate
is arranged, on which the restof the components
secured. Witha lot of measuringthisonly justsucceeded.
The threeelectrolitic capacitorsneeded to be replaced,as they
either leaked or lost their capacity.They could be replaced by new
capacitors in their original casing.
Listen to "Ich
nenne alle Frauen Baby" by The Cherokees, with
Hans Bardeleben (vo,g), Kuddel Richter (b), Wolfgang
Dresen (acc), Jo Balk (p), recorded in
Back with back
Two metal ornaments are attached to
the top of the Bakelite cabinet
The back of the chassis
The compact designis evident here:
on theleft,two tube
holders for theRV12P2000tubes and a coil can.
Below and
abovethe speakertwosmoothing
capacitors are visible. On the
left,the mains transformer andtheoutput transformer, separated by a
selenium rectifier.
a small mounting plate with antenna,
two power sockets and ground.
The top of the chassis
In order tomake everything fit, the speaker
had to be cut to size atthe top and bottom.Therefore the
cone had to be refitted. All of
the componentsare located aroundthe cone of the loudspeaker,
resistors, the capacitors,
two valve
holders, the twosmoothing capacitors, the mains
transformer, theselenium rectifier,the coil can and the
Bottom of the chassis
The tuning capacitor
andthefeedback capacitor, the
transformer, asmoothing capacitorandthecoil can
are visible here.
Right of the
On top the two tube holders and the
coil can.
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dinsdag 06 september 2022