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Superheterodyne battery receiver

Made in 1927-1928, probably by a small Belgian (Walloon) factory or workshop. All binding posts are situated on the control panel: on the left binding posts for the frame aerial, in the middle connectors for the different voltages, 4V, 40V and 80V, on the right jacks for headphones and loudspeaker. The arrangement of the control panel is perfectly symmetrical.
Data Valves   Circuit  
Serial number: None
Dimensions: 29,5 × 61,5 × 30 cm
Made in: 1927-1928
Purchased in: 2007
Sold in: 2021
Click on a valve for more information Click on the circuit to enlarge

What was broadcast in 1927?


Listen to "Blue Skies" sung by Josephine Baker, recorded January 12, 1927

Valves from left to right: mixer, two i.f. tubes, detector, and two l.f. tubes. Situated in the middle are three adjustable i.f. circuits. Oscillator coils are by Belga, condensers and resistors by Alter, Mikado and French firm Wireless. Transformers by Cema and Transfolina (a brand name of S.B.R., Société Belge Radio-Electrique). Tuning knobs (with fine tuning) are also by S.B.R.
The Transfolina l.f. transformer type T16A (1 : 2.5)
Tuning knob, page from an S.B.R. catalogue, 1928 Tuning knob with its original box

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