With gray plastic cabinet, white
station scale with black lettering, blue pointer
and the Braun logo in red. It has a brown
leather carrying belt, wrapped around the
cabinet. The two white thumb wheels on top are
for volume and tone control; the blue knob on
the right is used for tuning. It has the same
colour as the pointer. Four push-buttons in the
middle are used to switch the radio on and off
and to change the wave lengths.
Connections for an external
antenna, mains and 6 volts car battery are
situated in the right hand side. There is an
internal connection for a gramophone player. The design is by Dieter Rams.
The radio is equipped with four
battery valves in series, 3 transistors and a
germanium diode. The LF stage has two OC72
transistors. The OC76
and the OA81 are used in the converter, that
supplies 60 volts plate voltage, so a battery
for plate voltage is not needed.
The radio uses a 6 volt
lantern battery with an average
life span of 80 hours, but it can also be used
on AC.
The radio receives medium wave,
long wave, and short wave.