   Transistor 1
   SK5 Phonosuper
   T24 Kofferempfänger
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Four-speed record-playing deck and radio receiver
With white lacquered cabinet, light grey knobs and elm wood side panels. The cover is made of acrylic glass.  

Hans Gugelot

The deck is a PC3 with a Schumann-Merula SK451 turn-over mono crystal system. It has four speeds: 16, 33, 45 and 78 rpm. The radio part houses a superheterodyne receiver with three wave lengths: medium wave, long wave and FM.
The predecessor of this combination, the SK4 (which does not have long wave), was released in 1956. This was the first post-war mass-produced device where design and functionality were given priority.
The design is by Hans Gugelot in close cooperation with Dieter Rams. In the design functional aesthetics and user-friendliness are combined. The Museum of Modern Art in New York has an SK5 in its collection.
The German nickname for the radiogram is "Schneewittchensarg" (Snow White's Coffin).
Data Valves
Serial number: 65783
Dimensions (w×h×d): 58 × 24 × 29 cm
Made in: 1959 (March 2, 1959 on loudspeaker)
Purchaced in: 2011
Voltages: 110, 125, 150, 220 en 240 Volt
Weight: 11,5 kg
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What was broadcast in 1959?


Listen to "Oh yes, das ist Musik",  sung by Dorit Oliver and the Orchestra of Charles Nowa, recorded in Hamburg in 1959

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