    Superstandard SG4
    Super-Radiola SR4
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Two-circuit TRF receiver with reaction control
In mahogany veneered cabinet with aluminium front. The front is devided into three segments: the module "Accord Antenne", with a wavelength range switch, a tuning knob and a selector switch for medium or long wave, the module "Longeur d'Onde", with a wavelength range switch and a tuning knob, and the module "Sensibilité", with a rheostat for the filament current and a knob for sensitivity control (reaction). The earliest models (see picture right) did not have a filament rheostat.
Picture from a Belgian SBR catalogue, 1924
Behind a hinged flap at the rear are the three silver painted metal enclosures, in which the coils and other components are housed, properly protected. The inside of the radio therefore looks modern and neatly arranged.
Power supply, a loudspeaker, a (frame)antenna and earth can be connected at the rear of the receiver.
Receives medium wave and long wave, 175-3000 meters.
The original pice was FFr 2375,-.
Data Valves
Serial number: 1387
Dimensions (w×h×d): 56 × 36 × 33 cm
Made in: 1924-1925
Purchased in: 2017
Voltages: 4 and 80 volts
Weight: 11.6 kg

What was broadcast in 1925?


Listen to "Le Pays du Souvenir" sung by Georges Vorelli with orchestra, recorded in 1925

A look inside
Under-chassis view

The three modules without screening

The radio was sold by a retailer in Béziers

Type plate with serial number

Picture from a catalogue

Picture postcard with a SR4

The listening room in one of the branch offices of the Société Française Radio-électrique in Nantes

Advertisement for the Radiola SR4 in magazine L'Illustration, 1925, drawing by L.C. Bellaigue

Review of the receiver in Radio-Expres, March 20, 1925

The SFR SR4 was also sold in The Netherlands. Advertisement in Radio-Expres, April 10, 1925

This page was last edited on 28.04.2019