  S.C. La Radiophonie Belge
    Le Canari
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 Crystal receiver
In a simple wooden box with lid. The front is made of plywood. At the top left are the connections for antenna and earth, at the top in the middle the crystal, in addition two connections for a jumper or a coil. In the middle coarse and fine tuning with brass contacts. Below are the connections for the earphones (2 x Brunet, 500 ohms). The earphones can be stored in a compartment on the left. Specially made for Radio-Phono (Le Magasin Noir & Blanc), 67, boulevard Maurice Lemonnier in Brussels.
The Radio-Phono shop "Noir & Blanc" on the boulevard Maurice Lemonnier 67 in Brussels around 1936
In the lid, next to a coloured image of a singing canary bird, are the operation instructions for the receiver, with the heading: Le "Canari": Chante, amuse et instruit! (Sings, entertains and educates!).
On November 24, 1923, the first transmissions of Radio-Belgique (then called Radio Bruxelles) started on 420 meters. Many people gladly wanted to hear these transmissions, so the sale of radios went up.
The Canari came on the market immediately after the first radio broadcasts in November.
The price of the first model in a simple wooden box, complete with antenna, two insulators and a single headphone was Bfr 105, -. A little later the price dropped and the receiver became available in various models. The price of the above model became Bfr 87.50. The same combination in a more expensive box made of walnut or mahogany and ebonite front: Bfr 117.50. In addition, an even more luxurious version was made, also in walnut or mahogany and ebonite front with variable capacitor and exchangeable honeycomb coils (but without headphones) for Bfr 150, -.
To be able to listen to the crystal receiver using a loudspeaker, an amplifier with the name "Ténor" could be ordered. There was also a "Ténor" with built-in crystal detector. The price of this combination was BFR 545,-. One then got the amplifier, two lamps, dry batteries and an antenna. An accumulator was not needed. Complete with a Ducretet loudspeaker the price was 595 Bfr and with a Lumière loudspeaker Bfr 925, -.
The receiver was made unil 1926
Serial number: none
Dimensions (h×w×d): 10.5 × 25 × 14.5  cm
Made in: ± 1924
Purchased in: 2018

What was broadcast in 1925?


Listen to "Valse" by The Excellos Five, a group of Belgian and Dutch musicians, Louis de Vries (tp), Henri van den Bossche (tb), Alphonse van Asbroek (cl, s), Joop de Leur (p), Bob Kierberg (dr, ld), recorded in Berlin in 1925

Top view of the front

A look inside
The closed box

Advertisement for the Canari crystal receiver
Advertisement for the Ténor amplifier and other Radio-Phono products

Advertisement in newspaper "Le Soir" of December 11, 1923

This page was last edited on 19.10.2020