Four valve radio for reception of medium and
long wave
The oak cabinet with doors opened. Control panel from left to right: primary
tuning, volume control, feedback,
secondary tuning. Below: on/off and wave-range selector. A
special cabinet that houses the batteries or battery eliminator
could be ordered with the radio. Brandsteder in Amsterdam also
made a cabinet for this radio, as can be seen
Listen to "Dies
Bildnis ist bezaubernd schön" from the opera "Die
Zauberflöte" by Mozart,
sung by the Hungarian tenor Koloman
von Pataky,
recorded in 1927
The NSF 4 with oak cabinet
The cabinet was made in oak or mahogany. The
price was f 55,-
The closed cabinet
Interior with four valves (B405,
Type plate with logo of the Nederlandsche Seintoestellen Fabriek with serial number:
5018. This numer is not the same as the number on the chassis: