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   Neywa 402
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Superheterodyne transistor receiver
With black, white and silver plastic casing and perforated silver front. On the right side are the on/off knob and the volume dial and on the back side are connections for earphones, an external antenna and a wavelength switch. A leather case was supplied with the radio. Extra batteries and earphones were optional.
The ГД-10 (GD-10) loudspeaker has a diameter of 7 cm. The nominal output power is 100 mW. Sensitivity at 5mW output power is 2 mV/m on medium wave and 3mV/m on long wave. Power consumption is 30-35 mA at nominal output power. The Intermediate frequency is 465 kHz.
The radio has six germanium transistors and receives medium wave (187-571 meters) and long wave (750-2000 meters).
The receiver was made by Kamensk-Uralsk Radio Works.
Data Transistors
Serial number: III.79-0357
Made in: 1979
Purchased in: 2016
Voltage: 9 V
Dimensions (w×h×d): 13.8 x 8 x 3.8 cm
Weight: 400 grams

GT309G (2 x), MP41A (2 x), MP41 (2 x)

User manual and circuit

What was broadcast in 1979?


Listen to "Ванская Легенда" (The legend of Van), from the LP record "Песни, Инструментальная Музыка Алексея Экимяна", ("Instrumental music by Aleksey Ekimyan") recorded on the Melodia record label in 1979

The Neywa 402 in leather case
A look inside

This page was last edited on 27.04.2019