In black
painted cabinet with lid and black and brown marbled "arbolite" front, side and back panels.
The front panel bears the name "Crystalphone Radio,
Wilhelminastr. 36, Breda, Tel. 1369". The
receiver was made by (or for) this radio shop.
System(high-frequencyblock, valveblockandpowerblock), whichwas launched
in1929, was used in this
The knobs from left to right: primary tuning, volume
control in steps,
switch, reaction control,
secondary tuning.
earth, a
gramophoneanda loudspeaker can be
connected at the back.
Listen to "My Love
Parade" by Pete Mandell and his Orchestra, recorded
on April 17,
A look inside
Advertisement in the Bredasche Courant
of January 17, 1930
On the right the Waldorp power block, with a 1823
rectifier. Above, the valve block with the valves E446 (that has
to be replaced by a E442),
E424 and C453. Below the HF block. The tuning capacitors (500 pF)
are Indigraphs by Igranic, the LF transformer is
by BTB, probably a brand name of Bell.
The chassis of the valve block.
On the left the gramophone jack, on the right the
loudspeaker capacitor and choke coil.
The power block (side view)
The block capacitors must have been rather rather
hot at the end of their life span, as can be seen by the
dark spot. New capacitors have been placed inside the
old ones. Above, the binding posts for the different
currents. A power cord can be connected on the right.
The power block (top view)
On the right, the rectifier valve holder and the
choke coil, on the left of the valve holder, the resistor for the
detector current, four block capacitors and two wire-wound
Advertisement for the Waldorp block system in
magazine Radio Expres, December 27, 1929
Advertisement for the Igranic Indigraph
tuning knob in Radio Wereld, March 21, 1929
Advertisement for the Waldorp block system in
newspaper Het Volk, February 15, 1930
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zaterdag 27 april 2019