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Deutscher Kleinempfänger (Small German radio)
TRF receiver with reaction control with brown bakelite case and cardboard back. Made since 1938 by a number of companies in Germany, Austria and Poland. Lorenz came up with the best design of a low-cost radio and also played an important role in its further development. The receiver only has two valves: the rectifier VY2 and the VCL11 triode/tetrode. Hungary had its own version of the DKE, the Orion 011 Néprádió.
Nick-name for the radio was "Goebbelsschnauze", or Goebbels' snout.
The left knob operates the input coils coupling, the right knob operates the reaction variable capacitor. In the middle the tuning knob with a 0-100 scale in white (200-600 meters) and red (800-2000 meters). By turning the tuning knob to the red part of the scale, the radio switches from medium to long wave.
There is also a battery version, the DKE38B. During the war a number of austerity measures were introduced. After 1940 the "Brummregulator" was omitted.
An identical version of the radio, the DKE50, (without the eagle and swastika) was produced after the war in 1950. This radio was made in the colours black and ivory.
Data Valves
Serial number: 8192
Dimensions (w×h×d): 24 × 24 × 12 cm
Made in: ± 1938
Purchased in: 2011
Weight: 1.6 kg
Click on a valve for more information

What was broadcast in 1938?


Listen to "Es ist unmöglich" played by the orchestra of Adalbert Lutter, recorded in 1938

Back with back panel
A look inside
The loudspeaker is made from synthetic resin bonded paper.
On the right the silver coloured VCL11, on the left the smoothing capacitors and the VY2 rectifier. Below the smoothing capacitors a simple on/off switch is visible.
Operating voltages (110-130, 150 and 220-240) can be adjusted by using the taps of the ballast resistor in the middle.
Four sockets for antenna and earth (left) are situated below the ballast resistor. An adjusting screw for grid voltage is situated between the on/off switch and the sockets.
The chassis
Top and bottom view

This page was last edited on 27.04.2019