Superheterodyne receiver
Walnut veneered cabinet. Bakelite dial surround and Bakelite knobs. The dial has printed station names in two colours (black: medium wave (200-574 meters), red: long wave (900-2000 meters)). The radio has automatic volume control and tone control. The intermediate frequency is 108 kHz and the sensitivity on medium wave is 5μV; very high for a 4-valve receiver. The receiver could be used in combination with the Erres 522 electrodynamic loudspeaker. The design is by Otto van Tussenbroek. The radio was presented at the Autumn Trade Fair, in September 1935. Below part of a newspaper article in the Limburger Koerier of September 9, 1935.

A connection for antenna and earth are situated at the back, as well as a connection for a gramophone and a loudspeaker.
The celluloid window in front of the dial become opaque. It was replaced by a new window.
The radio is technically identical to the KY146.
The original price was f 125,-. The AC/DC version was the KY152, price f 137,50.
Data Valves  
Serial number: 1149
Numbers produced: ± 200
Dimensions (w x h x d): 35 × 26.8 × 23 cm
Made in: 1935
Produced in: 2016

Click on a valve for more information


What was broadcast in 1935?


Listen to "Twee oogen zoo blauw" sung by Willy Derby, recorded in 1935

Back with panel removed
Top view of the chassis
Under-chassis view
The combined volume control and on/off switch was replaced. A few decayed capacitors were invisibly replaced.

    Picture of a KY147 from an Erres leaflet

This page was last edited on 27.04.2019