TRF receiver
In veneer walnut cabinet with black feet, Bakelite ornament in the shape of a rising sun in front of the speaker, Bakelite knobs and Bakelite rim around the wavelength scale. The design is by Otto van Tussenbroek.
For reception on medium wave and long wave.
Connections for antenna, ground, pick-up and extra loudspeaker at the rear. The back panel is made of wood.
The knobs from left to right: wavelength switch, tuning, on/off/volume control.
The radio chassis was also used in the Erres KY117 and the Erres KY123.
The radio looks very similar to the Erres KY126. The only difference in appearance is the slightly lower center knob. Technically, however, the two devices differ considerably. Just like the KY117 and the KY123, the KY129 has a band filter, grid detection instead of anode detection, an additional 1: 3 transformer between the detector and the power tube and a larger 2158 Philips electrodynamic loudspeaker. The technical design is by ir P.G. Zaaijer.
In this radio, instead of the Philips loudspeaker mentioned above and in the diagram, an American loudspeaker with field coil was chosen, as was also used in later Erres receivers. The radio was probably produced a little later in 1933 or in 1934.
The radio was made for the Belgian market by Van der Heem & Bloemsma, The Hague.
Data Valves  
Serial number: 1030     chassis: 03679
Licence number: 12718 SBR SEM
Dimensions 52 × 40.5 × 22.5 cm
Made in: 1933
Purchased in: 2020

Click on a valve for more information


What was broadcast in 1933?


Listen to "Its The Talk Of The Town" by Horace Henderson and his Orchestra, recorded in New York on September 22, 1933

Back with back panel

Back with view of the chassis
Under-chassis view
SBR SEM licence

This page was last edited on 30.10.2020