A three valve (+ rectifier) table
model receiver in oak cabinet with silver oxidised metal escutcheon and
pilot lamp. For medium and long wave
reception. Thumbwheel tuning, volume control
(Intensifier) and reaction. With screen-grid valve, detector and pentode output
valve. The HF is tuned anode and the detector is
resistance/capacity coupled to the intervalve
transformer. A hum bucking circuit is used for smoothing,
and a hum adjusting device, consisting of grid-leak to
detector brought to potentiometer across heater winding.
The set uses a 6 volt 624BU rectifier.
The original price was 20 gns for
an oak cabinet and 21 gns for a mahogany cabinet. There
is also a DC model.
The indirectly heated detector tube has a label
with the text
"Columbia Radio". This label looks very much like a
Cossor label. There is no other type information anywhere on the
tube. It may be a Cossor 41MLF or a 41MHF. The circuit mentions
a Mullard 164V.