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TRF battery receiver
Luxuriously made four-valve receiver in mahogany cabinet with lockable lid and ebony faceplate. Hinges, lock and lid support are gilded.
In this picture, made in the Steward Street Works in 1926, an F6 receiver can be seen. The other radios are Symphony models. In comparison, these radios look much more modern.
The A.J.S. catalog of 1925 describes the unit as follows: "The A.J.S. 4-valve model has been designed for those who desire to receive broadcast speech and music on a loudspeaker, no matter in what part of the country they are situated. The wavelength range of the receiver is from 150 metres upwards, according to the long wave plug-in coils used. The quality of the reception obtainable from all A.J.S. receivers is far above the average. Most critical listeners have noticed that in radio the low notes are usually flat and very often are entirely lost. But with A.J.S. receivers these low notes all come through with their full value and richness of tone, and this perfect reproduction extends right up in the audible scale, and includes every overtone, nothing is lost. The result is truly remarkable and is made possible by the choke method of coupling, which with suitable valves, such as the A.J.S. Mullard, give equal volume and considerably purer reproduction than the average transformer coupling so generally used."
The receiver can be used with different types of valves by inserting matching plug-in filament resistances in the sockets under each valve.
The radio was made in oak or mahogany. The earliest model had a slant panel.
The original price of the receiver was £30.10s.0d, including Mullard valves, antenna and headphones.
Dimensions (w×h×d): 54 x 33.6 × 49.5 cm    
Made in: 1925    
Purchased in: 2016   Circuit
Voltages: Depending on the valves used    

How does it sound?


Listen to "Dog on the piano" by the Percival Mackey Dance Orchestra, recorded November 9, 1925.

The closed cabinet
The top of the receiver with controls
At the top is a lid that can be removed to give access to a strip with terminals for the filament voltage, HT voltages, aerial, earth and loudspeaker. The connecting wires come out through a slotted hole in the back of the cabinet. Grid bias voltage can also be connected, and there are terminals for an optional separating filter.
The valves are located below the lid, with a plug-in filament resistor below each valve. Their resistance depends on the type of valve used (bright emitters, dull emitters, or "economical" tubes).
The two terminals on the left (with shorting strip) can be used to connect a frame antenna; the terminals on the right are for headphones.
In the center is the coil holder with the two coils. The knobs that are visible above the coils have the following functions: left: on/off, right: loudspeaker or headphones.
The three lower knobs (with fine tuning) are used for primary and secondary tuning; the right one is used for reaction control.

Under-chassis view
Cabinet and loudspeaker production at AJS in 1925. Almost all the workers are women; a source of cheap labour
Advertisement in Modern Wireless, May 1926

A short user manual is fastened in the middle of the front plate

3D picture of the receiver in the Illustrated London News of 12th December, 1925. It can be viewed with 3D-glasses.

Plate with details of the manufacturer and the valves

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