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Superheterodyne portable battery receiver

In a leatherette suitcase with handle, metal corner protectors, a removable lid in the bottom and a front cover that can be opened. Behind this cover are the main controls: two thumbwheel knobs: tuning and volume control, the wavelength switch and a switch that can be used to temporarily illuminate the scale. This knob is pressed when the lid is closed, which automatically switches the power off. The wavelength scale is situated on top of the unit, next to the handle. The radio has three wavelength ranges: 150 to 450 KHz, 510 KHz to 1450 and 5.5 to 16.5 MHz. The radio was first made for the Latvian market in 1940, but after the German occupation from 1941 to 1944, the receiver was mainly manufactured for the German Army.

With four tubes, six tuned circuits, a push-pull amplifier and a dynamic speaker with a diameter of 13.6 cm. The intermediate frequency is 132 kHz.
Power supply: a 90 or 120 volts anode battery and 3 1.5 volts batteries (Feldelemente ENL), both placed in the lower compartment of the receiver. The removable lid in the bottom can be used to replace the batteries. Another version has a 2 volt lead-acid battery for the filament. In this device a resistor is added to reduce the filament voltage to 1.5 volts. The scale lamp is 2.5 volts, 0.2 A.

The military version of this radio has a wooden box with a metal handle. The dimensions of this version are: 37 x 30 x 20.5 cm. The intermediate frequency of this receiver is 469 kHz.

The radio is economical, sensitive and selective, even under difficult conditions. The two built-in loop antennas, one in the lid (medium wave) and one in the back (long wave) provide good reception. Short wave is received via an antenna connection in the left side of the device. Recommended antenna length: 12 meters.
Data   Valves Circuit
Serial nummer: 70007

Circuit and user manual
Dimensions (w×h×d): 34 x 27 x 16.5 cm
Made in: ± 1942 Click on a valve for more information
Weight: 8 kg (including batteries)  
Purchased in: 2013

What as broadcast in 1940?


Listen to "Lēno fokstrotu popūrijs", played by the Latvian pianist Džeks Mihaļickis, recorded in 1940

Front with the lid closed The tuning scale
Page from a VEF catalogue

This page was last edited on 28.04.2019