  Ultra Electric
    R906 Twin de Luxe
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Superheterodyne portable valve receiver

With four valves and a metal rectifier. Suitable for battery and AC power. Medium wave (190-550 meters) and long wave (1160-2000 meters). Wooden cabinet, covered with imitation snake skin (the dark version has imitation crocodile leather) and equipped with sliding doors in front of the scale.

The knobs from left to right: on/off/volume, wavelength switch, tuning.
Was called "Coronation Twin", because the radio was released in 1953, the year of the coronation of queen Elisabeth II. The receiver was derived from the Ultra R786.
Data Valves
Serienummer: JW 7478
Dimensions (w×h×d): 30.5 × 21.5 × 16.5 cm
Voltages: 7,5/85 and 200-250 volt ~
Made in: 1953
Purchased in: 2013
Sold in: 2022
Click on a valve for more information

What was broadcast in 1953?


Listen to "Lullabye in Rhythm" by Ronnie Scott and His Jazz Group, live in London, 1953.

With closed sliding doors
Back with opened back panel

Deze pagina is voor het laatst bijgewerkt op woensdag 07 september 2022