Superheterodyne receiver
In Bakelite cabinet with reddish brown lacquered wooden panel behind the knobs. The knobs form left to right: tone control, on/off/volume, wave range switch, tuning.
With medium wave (160-585 meters) and two short wave ranges (13,7-45 meters and 45-160 meters). The intermediate frequency is 452 kHz.
The scale is illuminated form the back. The scale lamp is a heavy duty one (Philips 8091D: 6,3 volts at 0,64 A). The indicator is made of rod-shaped glass lens, the tuned station is shown by a stripe of light.
A connection for antenna and earth are situated at the back, as well as a connection for a gramophone and an extra loudspeaker. A switch makes it possible to choose between radio and gramophone.
A date stamp on the loudspeaker indicates that the radio was made in September 1940. The radio was used in the former Dutch East Indies and returned to the Netherlands after WWII. With many thanks to Daan Alers, who gave me this radio.
The original price was f 187,50. There was also a radio for AC/DC: the 494U. The price of that receiver was f 205,-.
Serial number: E7483 EO1
Dimensions (w × h × d): 54 × 31 × 24 cm
Made in: 1940
Given to me in: 2013
Sold in: 2022
Weight: 11 kg
Voltages: 110-245 volts ~
Click on a valve for more information


What was broadcast in 1940?


Listen to "At The Ramblers Ball" by The Ramblers Dance Orchestra, recorded in 1940

Back with and without back panel
Top view of the chassis (the two separate smoothing capacitors  were replaced by a double one, above just right of the middle)
Bottom view of the chassis
The radio had to be restored. The loudspeaker cloth and the wooden panel were damaged.

Deze pagina is voor het laatst bijgewerkt op maandag 29 augustus 2022