  United Engine
   Lansing W
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TRF battery receiver with triple control tuning

Made in 1925. Originally sold for $140. Veneered cabinet. Build-in wooden loudspeaker. Probably made for United Engine Co. by Wilcox Laboratories, Charlotte, Michigan (see below).
Data Valves  
Serial number: 256
Dimensions: 75 × 33 × 32,5 cm
Made in: 1925
Purchased in: 2007
Sold in: 2024
Click on a valve for more information

What was broadcast in 1925?


Listen to "All Aboard for Heaven (All Aboard for Home Sweet Home)" by Meyer Davis' Le Paradis Band, sung by W. Spencer Tupman, recorded March 26, 1925

Top view. Tubes: UX171, CeCo Type A, UX201A, 401A, CeCo Type A. The radio probably owes its name to the W-shaped line-up of the tubes and the knobs on the front panel. The UX171, first made in 1926, must be a later addition. This tube gives more amplification then a standard 01 tube. The CeCo Type A is identical to a 01 tube.
Bottom view. The speaker driver was missing.
A view inside the radio, after the loudspeaker was removed.
The loudspeaker
A fitting driver was found: a Western Electric 523W.
Control label and type plate. The radio was last repaired on May 3rd, 1929.
This is proof that the radio was probably made by Wilcox Laboratories: the type plate of the Lansing W (above) is almost identical to that of a Cathedral Junior. (Picture by Radiola Guy)

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