TRF receiver

Walnut veneered front, black Bakelite feet, knobs and illuminated dial surround with the text "Erres Radio". The receiver has two wave bands: medium wave and long wave. The radio has a 6 watt power tube and a dynamic loudspeaker.

Because of the rather simple design and the low price, the radio was described in the
press as a "people's receiver" when it was introduced at the 31st Autumn Trade Faire in Utrecht. (Source: Limburgsch Dagblad of Thursday, September 13, 1934).
The knobs from left to right: on/off/volume control, tuning, wave length switch, reaction control. At the rear are connections for an additional loudspeaker, a gramophone and aerial and ground buses.
A "Selectivator" (separating filter) is built-in in the back panel.
The original circuit mentions a AF1 as detector valve. This valve was never made, but is identical to the E446.
The original price was f 98,-.
 Data Valves  
Serial number: 1025
Produced (estimate): 1000
Dimensions (h x w x d): 36.5 x 33 x 20.8 cm
Made in: 1934
Purchased in: 2016
Click on a valve for more information


What was broadcast in 1934?


Listen to "Jungle Fever" by Freddy Johnson and Lex van Spall and his band, vocals by Rosie Poindexter, recorded on November 29, 1934 in Casino Hamdorff, Laren

A "Selectivator" (separating filter) is built-in in the top section of the back panel.

The back with the back panel removed

The separating filter mounted on the back panel
The chassis
Advertisement in Limburg Dagblad, February 9th, 1935
Picture of an Erres KY140 in a leaflet

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