For reception of medium and long
wave. Walnut veneered wooden cabinet, with black feet, Bakelite
"rising sun" ornament around the loudspeaker, and
Bakelite station scale surrounds. Made by Van der Heem & Bloemsma,
The Hague. Designed by Otto van Tussenbroek. Date stamp
on the capacitor block: August 29th, 1933.
Most of the
control knobs are located on the left and right side of the radio. On the left
the on/off/volume
control and the wave length switch, on the right the tuning
Tone control, a selectivity switch and connections for
an extra loudspeaker and a gramophone are situated at
the rear of the radio. The left pane shows the long
wave bands, the right one shows the medium wave bands.
Depending on the position of the wave length switch, one
of the two scale windows is illuminated. The receiver
has an electrodynamic loudspeaker. Output power: 5
The radio has a band-pass filter and automatic
The original price of the radio
was f 220,-
The KY130 came along with the
more popular model KY126. The KY130 was mentioned in
advertisements for the KY126, but there were no
separate ads for this radio. The consumer prices of
both receivers, f 142,50 and f 220,-, correspond exactly
with those for the Philips 834A and the
Philips 634A, introduced in the same year.