Superheterodyne receiver
In brown Bakelite cabinet with white trim. The knobs are on the sides. On the left the on/off/volume control and tone control, on the right the wave length switch and tuning.
With medium wave (170-560 meters), long wave (708-2000 meters) and short wave (16,2-52 meters). The intermediate frequency is 452 kHz.
The glass scale on top of the device is illuminated from below by two pilot lamps (Philips 8045D, 6.3V / 0.32A). The indicator is made of metal. The radio is equipped with a "floating" tuning capacitor. The capacitor is suspended with the aid of a number of thin wires of spring steel. During transport of the radio, the capacitor has to be fixed temporarily with two lock pins, in order to prevent it from being damaged.
A connection for antenna and earth are situated at the back, as well as a connection for a gramophone and an extra loudspeaker.
The original price was f 245,-.
Serial number: K05 96611
Dimensions (w × h × d): 46 × 28 × 20 cm
Made in: 1947
Produced: 1946-1947
Given to me in: 2016
Sold in: 2019
Weight: 8 kg
Voltages: 110-245 volts ~
Click on a valve for more information


What was broadcast in 1946?


Listen to "Bouncing in Bavaria" by The Ramblers Dance Orchestra, leader Theo Uden Masman, recorded in 1946

Back with and without back panel
Under-chassis view

 Belgian leaflet for the BX462A from 1947

Deze pagina is voor het laatst bijgewerkt op zaterdag 03 september 2022