Superheterodyne receiver
Flamed dark brown Bakelite cabinet, front with a white line along loudspeaker and wavelength scale, brown Bakelite knobs with a white edge. Plexiglass scale with gold coloured metal indicator and reddish-brown background with scale lamp. Receives medium wave (185-580 metres), long wave (1090-1973 metres) and 2 short wave bands (15.5-50.6 and 60-187.5 metres).
The knobs from left to right: power switch/volume control, combined with a radio/gramophone switch, tone control for treble, combined with a bass switch, wave length switch (that also operates a pointer on the right of the scale), tuning. Connections for an extra loudspeaker and a gramophone at the rear.
The original price was f 245,-.
Data Valves  
Serial number: L 30293
Dimensions (w×h×d): 47 x 32,5 x 23 cm
Made in: 1952
Purchased in: 2012
Sold in: 2019
Voltages: 110, 125, 145, 200, 220, 245 Volts ~
Weight: 7 kg
Click on a valve for more information


What was broadcast in 1952?


Listen to "Because You're Mine" sung by Nat King Cole, recorded in 1952

Back with back panel
Back with back panel removed
Under-chassis view
Picture from a Philips leaflet

Deze pagina is voor het laatst bijgewerkt op zaterdag 03 september 2022