3 Valve TRF Receiving set for A.C. mains
Two-valve radio with a rectifying valve. Bakelite cabinet. There are four knobs on the front and they are used for the following purposes: Top left, volume control; bottom left, wave change and mains switch; top right, tuning control; bottom right, reaction. The wave ranges are as follows: medium wave, 205-585 metres; long wave, 725-1900 metres. This radio was made in The Netherlands for the Swedish market. On the back panel a transfer is visible with the text: Hesselgrens Cykel- & Motorverkstad, Enköping.
In 1935 the 940A-15 was introduced in Great Britain by Philips Lamps Ltd.
Data Valves  
Serial number: 9326 S
Dimensions (w × h × d): 31 × 23 × 17 cm
Made in: ± 1934
Purchased in: 2009
Click on a valve for more information

Circuit1 Circuit2

What was broadcast in 1934?


Listen to "What a Diff'rence a Day Made" by the orchestra of Syd Lipton vocals Gerry Fitzgerald, recorded on December 14, 1934

Back with back panel
Back with back panel removed
Chassis, bottom view

Chassis front Chassis back

This page was last edited on 28.04.2019