"Sonate", one of the larger models in the 1936 "Symphonic series" (The Fuga was the top model in this series). Superheterodyne radio (intermediate frequency 135 KHz) with magic-eye tuning indicator. Loudspeaker: Philips 9604, 5 ohms, diameter 26 cm. Bakelite multi-function mono-knob with chrome plated metal ring for tuning, wave length selection and volume control. Bowden cables are used to operate these functions. Brown Bakelite escutcheon (hinged scale that can be lifted forward and backward), walnut veneered cabinet in two colours. The first models used valves from the Golden series. Made in the Philips factory in Leuven, Belgium. Licence S.E.M.-S.B.R. Brevet Philips.
Data Valves
Serial number: L2988
Dimensions (w×h×d): 56 × 43.5 × 27 cm
Made in: 1936
Purchased in: 2009
Sold in: 2022
Weight: 17.2 kg
Click on a valve for more information

What was broadcast in 1936?


Listen to "The man with the mandoline" by the AVRO Radio Dance Orchestra, leader Klaas van Beeck and vocals by Lammy van den Hout, recorded in 1936

Back showing valves from the 6 Volt P-series

      Monoknob with metal rim
Sticker on the back of the radio  
Dial by night
Advertisement in magazine Radio Expres, January 1, 1937

This page was last edited on 29.08.2022