Battery receiver for short and long waves
In black, crackle painted metal housing with two black Bakelite side panels and Bakelite knobs. The technical design is by ir. J.J. Numans. The device was mainly made for use in the former Dutch East Indies, but it was also used in other tropical areas. In the former Dutch East Indies, Dutch stations like the P.C.J. (31.4 meters) and PHOHI, Philips Omroep Holland Indië) (16.8 meters) could be received.
The PHOHI short wave transmitter: Philips Omroep Holland-Indië. Transmitter buildings and antenna masts. Huizen, The Netherlands, 1928.
The design of the radio is by ir. Louis Kalff. The style is "Nieuwe Zakelijkheid". 
In the left side are the knobs for tuning and fine tuning and for volume/selectivity. The tuning can be read in the left window. The antenna socket is also on this side. On the right are the feedback knob and the loudspeaker and headphone sockets. The degree of feedback is visible in the right window.
A metal box with six coils was delivered with the receiver (type 2803), which allow a reception range of 10 - 2400 meters. The radio is called "shortwave receiver" in advertisements, but it is actually a world receiver, given the large range.
There is a hatch between the two tuning scales; a coil can be placed at that location. Internally there is a connection for a gramophone.

The power supply is provided by a 4 volt battery, an anode battery or a battery eliminator and a grid battery. When the Philips battery eliminator 3003 is used, the grid battery can be dispensed with.
The Philips 2805 has another range: 10-150 meters.
The original price was f 270,- in the Netherlands. In the Dutch East Indies f 295,-. In Great Britain the price was £ 30.
Data Valves Documents Article
Serial number: 21890
Dimensions (w×h×d): 31 × 20 × 13 cm
Made in: ± 1930
Purchased in: 2019
Sold in: 2023
Klik op een buis voor meer informatie

User manual (Dutch)

Article in Wireless World May 22, 1929

Parts and circuit (German)

What was broadcast in 1928?


Listen to "My baby just cares for me" Harry Bidgood and his Orchestra, sung by Bob & Alf Pearson, recorded on October 13, 1930

 Video of the radio tuned to "Radio Paradijs", broadcasting in Utrecht, on 1584 kHz

Type plate of the receiver

A look inside with the back cover plate removed, showing the valves.
Picture from a Philips leaflet, 1929

Advertisement in Soerabajasch Handelsblad, February 6, 1929

Sumatra Post, June 26, 1929 Sumatra Post, July 9, 1929
A "close bond with the motherland" was emphasized in these advertisements in the daily newspapers in the Dutch East-Indies.

Picture from a leaflet

This page was last edited on 02.07.2023