Made in the N.S.F. factories in Hilversum. The design of this
radio is, like that of the earlier battery receivers 2501 and 2502,
by ir.
Louis Kalff, who also designed the disc loudspeakers. The
style is "Nieuwe Zakelijkheid", or "New Realism". Not
every customer liked this modernism, and radio cabinets
were designed to hide the radio from view. An example of
a radio cabinet, made by the workshop of A. Brandsteder
in Amsterdam, can be seen
The radio at the
exhibition, June 14th
The wave ranges are 200-400, 300-600
and 1000-2000 meters. The weight of this small but very compact
radio is remarkably high: a little over
8 kg!
The radio
on display in the Van Abbemuseum in
Eindhoven from June 9th, 2012 until November 11th, 2012,
as part of an exhibition about the period 1924-1929.