In dark brown Bakelite cabinet with
white trim.
The controls are on the sides. On the
left side is the power switch with volume control; on
the right side the tuning knob and wavelength switch.
This radio was made in the
Philips factory in Leuven, Belgium. The Philips
203U was the first radio in
the Philetta series.
is an early version of this model;
Later models have holes or (later) slots
in the top of the cabinet. A sheet of tin foil is glued
above the tubes on the inside of the cabinet.
With medium wave (192-575 meters) and
long wave (708-1910 meters). The intermediate
frequency is 452 kHz.
The scale is illuminated from above
by a small neon bulb (Z10). The loudspeaker is a Philips
An antenna can be connected at the
back. The metal back panel also serves as a plate antenna.
The original price in The Netherlands was Fl
79,-. The radio was introduced in April 1941.
Listen to "Stop,
it's wonderful", by the orchestra of Fud Candrix.
Gene Kempf (b), Benny Pauwels, Bobby
Naret, Fud Candrix, Victor "Vic" Ingeveldt (cl), Jeff De
Boeck (d), André Mersch (g), Ivon De Bie (p), Benny
Pauwels, Bobby Naret (as), Lou Logist, Victor "Vic"
Ingeveldt (ts), Louis Melon, Nick Frérar (tb), Janot
Morales, Lucien Devroye, Maurice Giegas (t). Recorded in Brussels,
November 20, 1941
Back with back panel removed
Under-chassis view
Top view of the chassis
Advertisement in newspaper Nieuwe
Apeldoornsche Courant, April 2, 1941
Advertisement in
newspaper Haagsche Courant, April 11, 1941