    Four-valve receiver
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Four valve, one circuit radio

In oak cabinet with flamed ebonite front. The cabinet has four disk-shaped feet.

Almost all important connections and controls are situated on the front plate. On the left the binding posts for antenna and frame antenna; on the right the connections for a loudspeaker. Upper row from left to right: potentiometer for adjustment of grid voltage of the hf valve, switch that selects filament or plate voltage, voltmeter, switch for use with 3 or 4 valves, stepping switch for aperiodic coil. Below the voltmeter, on the left and right: two rheostats for adjustment of filament voltage. Lower row: variometer, coarse tuning, tuning (with fine tuning). Binding posts for the filament and plate voltage are situated at the back of the radio.
Serial number: none  
Dimensions (w×h×d): 49 × 24 × 26.7 cm
Made in: ± 1925
Purchased in: 2009

What was broadcast in 1925?


Listen to "Valentine" sung by Maurice Chevallier, recorded in 1925, Paris

Top view of the inside of the radio
The back of the radio

This page was last edited on 27.04.2019