Superheterodyne battery receiver
Veneered cabinet with two gold coloured metal ornaments and a glass station scale. On the left tone control (also serves as on/off switch) and volume control; on the right the wavelength switch. The radio has medium wave, long wave and 2 short wave bands. The receiver uses two batteries: 1.5 volts and 90 volts. The batteries can be placed inside a battery compartment (see picture below). An economy switch on the back of the radio makes it possible to prolong battery life. The radio then uses 11 mA instead of 19 mA by interrupting the filament circuit of one DAF91 and one DL94 tube. When the radio is used as gramophone amplifier, the filament circuits of DK92 and DF91 are interrupted to save the batteries.
The original price was f 318,-.
Data Valves  
Serial number: 1199
Dimensions: 52.5 × 32 × 21.5 cm
Made in: 1951
Purchased in: 2007
Sold in: 2022

Click on a valve for more information


What was broadcast in 1951?


Listen to "My Truly, Truly Fair" sung by Guy Mitchell, recorded in 1951

Back with back panel
Top left: the battery compartment. The economy switch is visible on the right of the chassis.
Under-chassis view

This page was last edited on 03.09.2022