Superheterodyne receiver
Polished, walnut veneered wooden cabinet, chrome ornaments and a glass station scale with Bakelite rim with the text "Erres Radio" and Bakelite knobs.
The receiver has nine push buttons: six for the preset stations and three for the wave ranges. Knobs on the front: left: tone control in 5 steps, right: tuning. In the left hand side is the on/off switch and volume control.
The radio has three wave ranges: 16-52 meters, 190-580 meters and 750-2000 meters. The intermediate frequency is 110 Khz.
With neon tuning indicator (Philips 4662). Connections for antenna, earth, gramophone and an extra loudspeaker at the rear. Physiological volume control. Permanent-dynamic loudspeaker with sound disperser.
The original price was f 153,50.
Data Valves  
Serial number: 1534, Philips license 33334
Dimensions: 58 × 36 × 28 cm
Made in: 1939
Purchased in: 2017
Number made: 1400
Voltages: 110,125,145,200,220,245 volts ~

Click on a valve for more information

Circuit Push button pre-set system



What was broadcast in 1939?


Listen to "Could be" by The Ramblers Dance Orchestra, leader Theo Uden Masman, recorded in "Het Hof van Holland", Hilversum, end of July, 1939

Back with back panel

Top view of the chassis

Under-chassis view
Page from a product leaflet for 1939/1940
On the left the neon tuning indicator, on the right the tone indicator

This page was last edited on 27.04.2019