Superheterodyne radio-gramophone
High gloss polished walnut veneered cabinet with two gold colored metal ornaments and a glass station scale. In the left-hand side are the tone control and the on/off/volume knob. On the right are the wavelength switch and the tuning knob.
The KY5265 was the first post-war radiogramophone Erres introduced. The Philips gramophone is spring-mounted and has a Philips AG2002/75 AG3016 element with two needles (M and N). This should be a AG3010 element. In the first series (this is depicted in the technical documentation) an AG3005 is shown as the correct element. The playback speeds are 78, 45 and 33 rpm. The radio could be made suitable for FM reception, by incorporating FM element 521. The FM is already indicated on the scale. At the rear an additional speaker can be connected.
Ranges: medium wave (175-585 meters), long wave (720-2000 meters) and short wave (13.5 to 51.2 meters), plus two spread shortwave bands (24.2 to 26 and 28 to 32.1 meters).
Six different voltages, from 110-250 volts.
The original price was was f 428,-. With an additional FM-unit the price was f 495,-, a rather expensive model for that period.
Data Valves  
Serial number radio: 2935
Serial number gramophone: E31448
Dimensions: 50 × 35.2 × 28.2   cm
Made in: 1952
Purchased in: 2013
Sold in: 2022
Weight: 11.4 kg

Click on a valve for more information




What was broadcast in 1952?


Listen to "Cake Walkin' Babies Back Home" by The Dutch Swing College Band, recorded in 1952

The radio with opened lid and a view of the Philips AG2002 gramophone.
Back with back panel
A view below the chassis

Advertisement for the Erres KY5265 Advertisement in Electro Radio Mercuur, December 27, 1952
Advertisement in magazine Radiowereld, September 18, 1952

This page was last edited on 06.09.2022