    Gambrell radios
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Gambrell Bros. logo
In 1894, Gambrell began with the production of scientific equipment for schools and laboratories, such as resistance banks, galvanometers, volt and ampere meters, at the address 17, Giltspur Street, London.
In the 20s of the last century, Gambrell began making crystal receivers, reception units for radio amateurs and wireless

An advertisement from the year 1899 for a Galvanometer for school use.

constructors, radios, wavelength meters and components, such as coils.
In 1921, the brothers Thomas Edward and Charles Thos Gambrell were registered in the Manual of Electrical Undertakings and Directory of Officials, as manufacurers of and dealers in electrical intruments and appliances. The address was 76, Victoria Street, London, S.W.1. The factory was at Merton Road, Southfields, London, SW 18. Later, the company moved to 6 Buckingham Street, London WC2.
Radios were made from about 1922 to the early 30s. The company introduced the first British AC receiver, the "Baby Grand" (pictured above) in 1926. Gambrell Radio Ltd. was liquidated in 1939.
Gambrell continued the production of scientific instruments, until after the Second World War.



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