In solid oak cabinet with plywood
front and diamond-shaped black wooden ornament at the
bottom. |
Made by
the Rijnlandsche Ontvangtoestellen Fabriek,
Langebrug 32a/b, Leiden. The R.O.F. was active from 1929
until 1932. In this period the company promoted a license-free industry.
The company originated from the radio department of
Peltenburg of 1793, a piano trader that launched the
Novavox radio in 1928. Owner of the
R.O.F. was Mr. C.A.
Mulder from Oegstgeest. |
loudspeakers, the R.O.F.
made radios such as the R.O.F.
People's Receiver and the R.O.F.
WI. In the
fight against the Philips patents, the R.O.F.
in 1930 made the R.O.F.
GI, a 4-lamp device that made use of
Idzerda's patent-free
design. |
On the right, an advertisement for a radio from 1932. |
In 1933
the company became part of Peltenburg again.
The loudspeaker cone has a diameter of 21 cm.
The cone is not supported at the edge. |